Saturday, 23 August 2008

The hour of Evening

It was the hour of evening. Stepping those stairs in Medborgsplasten, I felt the tap in my eyes. It was a gentle tap. Looking inside I looked up. The sky was blazing. Houses and tree tops were clothed in a golden hue. Enchanted by the magic display I walked by the sun. Hours passed as I followed the Sun. Sun in tern circled around me. The smell of the sea weed filled my body. I stopped and camped on the bank. Sun poured itself into my eyes and down it sank within me. Such was the hour that evening.


Maria Elisabeth said...

I like the way you go from CITY to live in Sweden and you haven't lost your senses.
I enjoyed reading about this evening of yours!

KiranKabuki said...

thank you for your post Becchi Pituni. You inspire me to write. I will write a post from japan now.
Peace n Love,

Maria Elisabeth said...

Hi Kiran.
Where's the post from Japan???? Let's read about your trip!
I got your postcards last nigth...beautiful!!!

Maria Elisabeth said...

Where is the text from Japan????

I got your post cards...beautiful.
Bee good!

KiranKabuki said...

Hi Bee,

Some more thing coming up with pictures from japan.

Hope you like what I have written. I would love your thoughts.

Peace n love