Tuesday, 9 December 2008

The story of a Toe ring!

It was the wedding day of his daughter. All guest had arrived except his mother. He felt her absence to the core. She was not there to bless his daughters wedding. He cried the night before in her remembrance. That morning he was returning from his morning walk when he saw a shining silver ring by the front door of his living room. He bent and picked it up with his right hand. It was a toe ring. His hand trembled as he gazed at it intensly. He felt he knew the ring well. He quivered. His heart began to pound. He hugged the ring holding it close to his heart. He knew the ring well.
Toe rings are part of sola-shringar (sixteen items of adornment) that an Indian woman wares. She wares a set of toe ring, one on each foot. Husband adorns his wife with toe rings at the marriage ceremony. He slips the rings in second toe of each foot, offering his lifelong commitment and protection. These silver rings are open hoops for easy removal. These rings and all her adornment she takes with her when she goes to the other side of the existance.
He felt he knew that toe ring very well. His heart was heavy with emotions. He became tearful. With a great reverence he looked at the ring. He saw his mothers face reflected in it. Many thousand a times his head had bowed at those feet that adorn this toe ring. He knew his mother had come to bless this auspicious day. Her toe ring was the evidence -the presence of his mother. His mother had arrived. He bathed the ring and kissed it. He arranged it in his altar in front of his mothers picture. Bowed down once more before the toe ring and thanked his mother for the special coming.
That very morning of the wedding his mother-in-law was looking for a toe ring that she had lost the night before. Soon she learned from her daughter what had happened and she let go off her search and brought herself a new pair of toe rings.

1 comment:

Maria Elisabeth said...

It's a very beautiful text. A piece of work alongside a merciful and compassionate nature. Very pleasant to read.
Graciously, you sew the story up and gave it a riveting ending.

My favorite one so far!!!!!!