Friday, 3 April 2009

Winter is melting away in Stockholm. Why are the sambo ducks crossed? Winter blues or stockholm syndrom?
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Maria Elisabeth said...

I have no idea how you manage to live in such a cold country. I guess you do magic to survive among swedish people (the ones who are as cold as their weather).

You're a warrior and I do admire your strengh and spiritual power.

I loved all the pictures you've posted here. Can't wait to go to Sweden again.

Bee good.
Sepeak to you later, alligator.

KiranKabuki said...

Thank you for your comment. Im running out of countries to go to. And dear friends, loved one like you gives me invisible, visible support to go on each day and thats where my strength lies. But i can not deny the fact that this weather gets me sometime and then it says 'you been framed'