Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Maria Elisabeth said...

I was waiting for this post.

You shaved your head while you were in India, Kiran? You are the bravest hindu girl i've ever seen. I admire your courage!!!!

Well, you look nice!

It's great to see your mum and sisters, and your girl - she's cute!

So, you're into the 18th century, hein? lol

Bee good. Peace and love, sweet heart!

KiranKabuki said...

Namste Bechhi Pituni.

Thank you for the comment.

India is a country with its silly traditions and rituals. Even my brother-in-law (Suddha's husband) help me shaved. That was cute, how some of my family members loves me and accepts everything I do. Yet I worry for India and its horrible customs and I wonder when the indian will stop being so double standards and help its women.

Yes, we must go india this xmas /next year right? And you gotta come to visit my mum and sister wont you? they love you so much.
Lovisa, my girl thinks you are very charming.
hugs, peace and love